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Without the vendor community, many LA people wouldn’t have options for items, safer products, quality ingredients, and cheaper and more economical ways to buy from reputable vendors in LA instead of brick-and-mortar stores such as, as Whole Foods Target, Ralphs, Walmart, Vons, jobs, etc.

What is Cityvend?
Cityvend reflects our dedication to helping street vendors connect with potential customers. We offer tools to facilitate listing their business information on the map, simplifying the process of informing their customers about their location.

Learn more about the vendors that work with us. Their determination drives our work at Cityvend, making connections between vendors and customers.
Bubbles of Madness Soaps
Handcrafted Artisan Soaps

Andreas Catering
We specialize in various cuisines like: American, Italian, and Mexican.
Janice Boutique
We offer jewelry, kids collection, home decor, art kits and more...
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